How long does it take a podcast directory to approve a new podcast submission?
Time varies by directory. Often, Spotify will approve a new podcast in as little as 2 days. On the other hand, Apple Podcasts can easily take 2 to 4 weeks. On average, most directories approve new podcast submissions within 2 weeks.
Do I have to submit my podcast feed with every new episode?
No! Once you are approved by a podcast directory, they will be connected to your PodOps Hosting RSS Feed URL. As you release new episodes, they will be delivered to all of your connected podcast directories.
How often do podcast directories update content?
Honestly, this varies by directory. Most directories refresh to ensure they capture new episode content at least every 24 hours, and some refresh every few hours. There’s no industry standard at this time.
Can I update my podcast information?
Yes! In the Podcast Info section, you can change the information about your show. This will then be sent to the directories and updated when they perform the next content pull (mentioned in the last bullet).
Do I need to update my listings in PodOps Hosting?
Yes. As you go through the setup process, you’ll see a field at the bottom of each directory. When a directory provides you with a link for your show, be sure to paste that into the available field and click save.
My podcast was rejected by a directory. Now what?
Send our support team a chat message. Include your rejection message and any details you have. If we can’t help, you can also contact the directory support teams.
Why is my podcast not appearing in all of the podcasting apps?
A large number of popular podcast apps use Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts to pull information. Once you are listed on Apple and/or Google, it can take some time for third-party apps to fetch this information. Expect this process to take 1-2 weeks.
Why is my podcast not appearing in podcast directory search results?
Once a directory approves your published show, it will take a moment to work its way into their system. Expect it to take a few days for a brand-new podcast to begin appearing in search results.
Do I need an Apple ID and iTunes account to submit a podcast?
Yep. Even though listing a podcast with Apple Podcasts is free, you need an Apple ID with billing information on file. Your Apple ID will also allow you to set up Podcast Connect.
I can’t log into Podcast Connect
Ensure you have an active Apple ID. You can activate your Apple ID by logging into iTunes. If it’s your first time, it will take you through the activation process. Once you confirm your Apple ID is active, return to Podcast Connect and try logging in.
Why did Spotify remove my listing?
Spotify loves content, and it is generally quick to approve and post new content. Later, the magic bots that be will re-review your account and realize the required information is missing, and your episode or show will be removed. The usual fix for this is to review your Podcast Info and Episodes. Ensure you’ve populated all fields: Artist, Title, Summary, Website, and added a Podcat Cover. Once this information is added, wait a few hours, and your show will likely reappear.